Working with the People & Planet team at Moata we created a concept for a product which would allow portfolio managers to incorporate social and environmental factors into their various assets development projects

The tool was centred around an ‘indicator library’ which consisted of a number of social and environmental indicators which would determine how well an asset was performing.

In the example below the indicator ‘health benefits of active travel is shown’ with thresholds reflecting ‘good’ ‘medium’ and ‘poor performance’ for an asset.

The user has the ability to select multiple indicators by which to view an asset. The asset will receive a RAG rating against each indicator.

In the example below, 5 assets are selected with three indicators. The user can start to build a picture of how a selection of assets is performing against chosen indicators.

The panel on the right hand side (in the screen above) gives the user insights related to their asset selection. E.g. average distance to nearest healthcare facility from asset.

The user also has the ability to create ‘scenarios’ from their asset selection. In the screen below, the 5 assets are aggregated into one score, from which the user can compare another scenario.

The three widgets below show the different ways the user can view an asset / selection of assets.

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