Environmental Coding is a course I designed for Turinglab which teaches kids fundamental python programming concepts while also engaging them with environmental questions

I conducted the initial research for the project, designed different prototypes and developed the final product

The project was in response to teachers asking for a course which could be taught in one or two lessons and introduced kids to coding.

The social focus of the course was in acknowledgement of the COP26 event in Glasgow and designed to show kids how the skills they learned could be used to positively tackle climate change.

I designed all the visual assets and functionality for the course and built the necessary APIs so kids could easily get started with Python fundamentals.

Since publishing the Environment and Coding course on the Turinglab platform it has been used by multiple schools across the UK.

Below are a few of the posters which were designed by students who took the course. They were created entirely using the Pyhton concepts they learned

I followed the impact that the course had on Mix Panel by setting up a number of dashboards.

These tracked how much XP each school and student had earned, whether students had missed course slides, and how many total schools and students were using the course

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