Catalyst wanted a mobile application which allowed their clients to access personalised training programmes and Catalyst's library of climbing exercises and tutorials.

I ran a couple of workshops with the folks at Catalyst and helped them think through what their minimum viable product would look like.

While Catalyst was mainly concerned about the functionality of the application I thought it would be fun to sketch out how the UI of the app could look

I built a series of minimal prototypes on Figma for Catalyst to try out before they moved on to the styling of the application

I used FigJam to host the workshops and got team GB climbing coaches together with Catalyst to think about and share their thoughts on what they were trying to acomplish with the app

Together we were able to narrow the focus of the app down into Top Priorities (must have) Mid Priorities (ideally have) and Low Priorities (nice to have).

I also created a prototype of what the app would look like so Catalyst could take the project further in house

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